Wednesday, November 05, 2008


So, this past Sunday I asked Neil, my FHE hubby, to Preference this weekend. For those of you who don't know what Preference is, it's a ladies' choice dance. The girls in the apartment next door helped me plan the attack. We cut out circles of paper and colored them. Then I wrote the message on the biggest dots. We stuck them on his door at midnight then I banged on the door like anything, and ran like there was no tomorrow. It was tons of fun. We spied from our stairwell's balcony but didn't see any lights on, so we went back to try again, and this time we heard their voices when we were right around the corner from their door. You wouldn't believe how fast we booked it away from there. It was so much fun! Well, I talked to him the next day and he said he would come, and we're both pretty excited. We're doubling with my friend Brianna (who I met at Edu Week) and her boyfriend. The dance is at the Seven Peaks' Ice Arena, and the theme is "Don't Break the Ice." So there will be dancing and ice skating. Sounds so fun! Before the dance, we're going to the Varsity theater in the Wilk to see WALL-E, and we're each making our dates dinner before the movie. Fun stuff.

Here are some pictures of his decorated door: (sorry they're out of order, but I couldn't change it, so just mentally switch the middle 2 pics)

1 comment:

Amy said...

The dance sounded so fun. I loved all your pics here and on facebook. You look beautiful. Preference was the first dance I went to with John. seem to bring back a lot of memories for me. Thanks for letting me "live through you" again. Miss you.