Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tim's Birthday Dinner

So, we dragged in two other apartments' tables and put the together to make a big long one so we could have dinner with all our friends for Tim's birthday. (Tim is Clarissa's chemistry study buddy from last semester, and they are BFFFs --best freaking friends forever) It was crazy. We had Chicken Divine, courtesy of Clarissa, and delicious french bread and such to go along with it. Pretty much amazing.

UNO anyone?

It took up our whole front room and kitchen...

Steff making some rice pudding drink

John yawning
(the other boys were being too slow at buttering the bread)

Andy and Neil buttering bread

Delicious french bread

Loooong tables

Rebecca (striped shirt) won UNO.. and Clarissa is ticked!

Gorgeous, Rebecca, just gorgeous...

Birthday boy chillin' in the corner...

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