Friday, August 17, 2012

28/30 Things: Misunderstood

(Click here for the intro post)
What do you think people misunderstand most about you?

I think a lot of people misunderstand my quietness. Most of the time, I just want to listen, not talk. That doesn't mean that I don't have anything to say. A lot of times, I like to listen and absorb, but not contribute-- at least not until I've had time to form my thoughts into words. I am just kind of a quiet person. Not necessarily shy, but thoughtful. I probably think too much, actually. :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

27/30 Things: Love Language

(Click here for the intro post)
What is your love language?

My love language is either Words of Affirmation or Physical Touch (see The 5 Love Languages). I really like to be told that I am appreciated. I like little compliments, notes, terms of endearment, and praise/encouragement. I kind of thrive on what others think of me, which can be good and bad.

Touch is powerful and comforting. A simple hug can work wonders. Romantically, one of my favorite things is holding hands. It's a small thing, but that little connection is so reassuring and simply wonderful. People playing with my hair is another favorite. So relaxing!

Thursday, August 09, 2012

26/30 Things: Body

(Click here for the intro post)
What is your favorite part of your body and why?

This is an interesting question, something I'm not sure I've ever thought about before. I'd probably have to say my hands are my favorite thing about me. Though they aren't dainty by any stretch of the imagination, I still like that my fingers are slender and long. My nails have always been naturally pretty and long, and I love that part of my hands, too. Mostly, I like everything I can do with my hands, including, but not limited to: sign language, typing, playing piano, eating, holding hands, punching, texting, etc... the list goes on and on.

If I had a second favorite, it would be my hair. I really like having my natural hair color and I love how long it is right now. I've never really had hair this long in my life, and I am loving it!

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

That one time I was a photographer

Just in case you're wondering, this guy is still following me around:

But it's cool, I don't really mind it. The only complaint I would have is that I haven't been sleeping very much lately... but that's to be expected, right? I can sleep when I'm dead.

That picture was taken at one of my best friend's wedding receptions a couple weekends ago. It was a lovely night, in a beautiful backyard, with great friends. And I got to take pictures for her. Here are a few that I took:

The Beautiful Bride

My good friends Kiera and Alicia

Bride and Groom

Cake smashing action

So cute! I love them!