This is what I do for fun on Saturday nights. :) Get together with like-minded, artistically-inclined people and do something with chalk on a grand scale.
On an unrelated note, the moon was really pretty that evening.
Our canvas = the basketball court
Spiderman-ish thing
Me yelling for Susan to come take a picture of us :)
Me being super excited (and covered in chalk)
Susan taking a picture of us
We are doing some of the poses we traced on the ground
My hand
More hands
Artistic shot with the feet
My feets
My favorite pose I did
Trying to get the whole thing in
Shot from above (Alyson was standing in Sarah and Brookanna's hands)
The center
Fedora man
AHHHH! I used to totally chalk things up in college, too! We're twinners! Except I'm not blonde, young, and brilliant. oops
LOL! Well, back then you would have been at least young I bet :) WHo am I kidding? You're young now! <3
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