Monday, August 03, 2009


This is what I do for fun on Saturday nights. :) Get together with like-minded, artistically-inclined people and do something with chalk on a grand scale.

On an unrelated note, the moon was really pretty that evening.

Our canvas = the basketball court


Spiderman-ish thing

Me yelling for Susan to come take a picture of us :)

Me being super excited (and covered in chalk)

Susan taking a picture of us
We are doing some of the poses we traced on the ground

My hand

More hands

Artistic shot with the feet

My feets

My favorite pose I did

Trying to get the whole thing in

Shot from above (Alyson was standing in Sarah and Brookanna's hands)

The center

Fedora man


Anonymous said...

AHHHH! I used to totally chalk things up in college, too! We're twinners! Except I'm not blonde, young, and brilliant. oops


Alexa Slaughter said...

LOL! Well, back then you would have been at least young I bet :) WHo am I kidding? You're young now! <3