Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer Reading-- Switching Gears

Ok, so I totally failed at my original summer reading list.  I got a few of the books, but I never really got into any of them.  Plus, I don't have a lot of spare time to read like I want to.  But, last week I read Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, and I got completely sucked in!  I'd originally started reading it a few months ago, but I didn't quite get into it back then.  But over the months I found myself wondering what happened next, so I guess curiosity eventually got the best of me and I picked it up again last week.  I inhaled it in a couple of days, only able to read between calls at work.  At the end of last week I bought Pretties, the sequel, and gobbled that one up too, finishing it this afternoon.

I guess I've decided that I need a lighter selection for my summer reading.  I think the subjects on my first list were a little too heavy (politics, bios, etc.) so I'm switching gears.  My friend Kellie has been reading some really good books lately and so I think I'll start copying her (hehe).  I want to finish off the Uglies series (though I hear it gets really weird with the next book, Specials) and then do the Fablehaven and Leven Thumps series.  I'd love suggestions of other good juvenile fiction series you've read.

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