Thursday, December 16, 2010

Finals and Such (Blogging from 30000 feet)

I am sitting in an airplane at cruising altitude on my way from Memphis to Orlando while writing this.  Pretty cool, eh?  I'm also on Facebook and my e-mail at the same time.  In-flight (free) wifi is where it's at!  (Another reason to love Google Chrome: they are offering free wifi on Delta flights for Christmas!)

Well, finals have been in full swing at BYU this week.  It's a cool atmosphere, I think.  Finals usually ends up being a pretty relaxed time for me (which may or may not be a good thing...).  I finished all my finals yesterday which was such a relief.  I managed to pull off decent grades, too.  And now I get to go home for the break!  Awesome!

Just a few pictures of what I've been up to the last few days.  (And, I just really, REALLY wanted to write a blog post while flying in an airplane.)

The trees all decked-out on campus

The library packed with people = not normal.  Must be finals week.
(you can kind of see if you click to make it larger)

Last night my friend, Alicia, and I made a Wendy's run just after midnight.
Since she couldn't park at my apt complex, we took a trip down memory lane to the Wyview laundromat. (She and I met while living at Wyview).
There was a party going on in the laundromat.  A bunch of freshman playing ukeleles and singing.
Sometimes I miss being a freshman.

The tomato from my burger, and Alicia dying of laughter in the background.

That's it for me, for now.  I will be landing in wonderful Orlando in approximately 45 minutes!!

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