Wednesday, May 02, 2012

10/30 Things: Embarrassing Moment

(Click here for the intro post)
Describe your most embarrassing moment.

This is a toughy. I mean really tough. I can never think of embarrassing moments. Maybe I try too hard to block those out of my memory, or maybe I don't make a big deal of something when I'm embarrassed. I am honestly at a loss for this one.

Here's something at least... I was pretty embarrassed at the ward talent show last semester when I convinced a couple of my friends who've all learned to do a Rubik's cube to perform with me. We did a race to see who could finish solving their cube first. I was feeling pretty high and mighty, convinced that I would win. But when we got up there I found that it was super distracting to do a Rubik's cube with a crowd of people cheering you on. And so, I lost my place several times and ended up leaving the stage without even getting close to solving it. It didn't help that I had a particularly difficult scramble on my cube. Ah well, it's all about the experience, right?

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